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Planning Board Minutes 04/17/2007
APRIL 17, 2007

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Sharon Francis – Vice-Chair; Brenda Ferland – Ex-Officio, Kennith Champney, Ken Moore, Doug Ring, David Sussman

Alternates Present:     Eric Lutz, Linda Stewart

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Mr. Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  He noted that a full Board was present so the seating of alternates was not necessary.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the April 3, 2007 meeting as printed.  Sharon Francis seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the minutes were approved.

Mr. Frizzell stated that the vacancy for Planning Board alternate members was advertised.  Mrs. Stewart is willing to be reappointed for a three-year term.  Fred Poisson indicated an interest in being appointed as an alternate.  The present three alternates were appointed for three year terms but have staggered annual expirations; Linda Stewart this year, Eric Lutz in 2008 and Roger Thibodeau in 2009.  

Mrs. Francis moved to nominate Linda Stewart for a three-year term.  Mr. Sussman seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion was approved.  Mr. Champney abstained.

Mr. Champney nominated Fred Poisson for a one-year term.  Mr. Sussman seconded the motion.  

Mrs. Ferland felt that the current system of three alternate members has been working for a number years; there is usually a quorum present so she doesn’t see any reason to increase that number.  Mr. Sussman said there have been a few meetings where there has barely been a quorum so he feels the number should be increased.   Mrs. Ferland had people voice their concerns about Fred Poisson because of being voted off the board by the voters and two new members were voted in so they do not feel he should be appointed.  Mr. Sussman stated that he and Mr. Poisson have had their differences over the years but Mr. Poisson is a valuable member of this board, he has a great deal of knowledge about the town, is careful about identifying issues relative to various proposals that other members sometimes overlook so he feels Mr. Poisson should be voted on as an alternate member as he would add to the board.  Mr. Frizzell noted that several years ago Mrs. Francis was voted off as a regular member but then brought on as an alternate member so this has been done in the past.       

Vote:  With five members in favor, the motion was approved.  Mrs. Ferland and Mrs. Francis were opposed.  Mrs. Francis’ reasons are the same as Mrs. Ferland.  

Mr. Poisson will wait until the next meeting to take his seat as an alternate member.
LEON MOORE d/b/a OUR PLACE GENERAL STORE – Sign Permit – 348 Oxbrook Road – Map 207, Lot 55 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Mr. Edkins advised that Mr. Moore is applying for a 3’ x 4’ sign that is within the Town’s Sign Ordinance.  A photo of the building was viewed.  The sign will go on the gable end underneath the light.  Mr. Moore said the present sign will stay but will not be used.  Mr. Edkins advised that the Town only allows one sign per building or business but would allow a freestanding sign that is not attached to the building.  Mr. Moore stated that his sign would be double-sided and visible from both directions on the road; the present sign is one-sided and cannot be seen from Route 12.  Mr. Frizzell said if the present sign was covered or painted over it could remain.  Mr. Moore felt he could take the panels off on the sign on the roof so there would be no advertisement.  Mrs. Francis asked if there is lighting on the present sign.  Mr. Moore responded “yes” but there is a switch so it can be turned on-and-off; it has not been used for about two years.  

Mrs. Ferland moved that the new sign on the building be approved with the condition that Mr. Moore remove the sign panels on the existing roof sign and cover it over like on the other side.  Mr. Ring seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.

The Sign Permit application will need the property owner’s signature before it can be signed by the Chairman.            

ROBERT SCOTT d/b/a R & K AUTO SERVICE – Sign Permit – 109 Main Street – Map 118, Lot 97 – Zone B (Business):  Mr. Scott wants to change the existing freestanding sign in front of his business; it will use the same post and framework.  He will be taking out the old sign panels and putting in the new ones.  Mr. Edkins noted that this was previously determined to be within the 50 square foot regulation based on a special provision of the Zoning Ordinance.  The official Inspection Station sign is required by the State.  Mr. Ring questioned the other signs.  Mrs. Francis said there is a “24 Hour Towing” sign in the window so if the board approves this change the window signs will no longer be needed nor will signs for brakes, oil changes, tune-ups, etc.  Mr. Scott did not think that the window signs were a problem but he is willing to remove them except for the inspection sign.  Mr. Edkins advised that Mr. Scott is allowed 50 square feet on the building and 50 square feet on the sign pole.  The Planning Board has allowed signs outside the sidewalk; there are a number of them in town.  

Mrs. Ferland moved to allow the new signs on the pole plus the Inspection Station sign provided that the only sign that will remain on the building is the Inspection Station sign that is required by law, the “Inspections” sign in the window and the sign that is already on the building for “R & K Towing”.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  With five members in favor, the motion was approved.  Mr. Ring and Mr. Champney were opposed.                  

SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL / CHARLESTOWN FAMILY MEDICINE – One Bedroom Apartment on Second Story of Existing Building – 120 Main Street – Map 118, Lot 100 – Zone B (Business):  Mr. Edkins advised that Mark Blanchard, of Springfield Hospital / Charlestown Family Medicine, was unable to attend this meeting.  

Mr. Ring moved to table this application until the next meeting.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.

It was noted that Mr. Poisson was the only abutter in attendance.

VICTORIA BEAUDRY & GERALD STETSON, JR. – Boundary Adjustment Between Existing Lots – 821 Wheeler Rand Road – Map 219, Lots 68 & 69 – Zone D (Watershed):  Mr. Frizzell stepped off the Board as he occasionally does work for Mr. Beaudry.  Mr. Lutz was asked to replace him as a regular member.  Mrs. Francis assumed the Chair.

Mr. Edkins advised that this is a boundary adjustment between two existing lots.  The purpose of this adjustment is to adjust the common lot line between lots 210-68 & 210-69 while retaining the pre-adjustment areas of 5.0 acres and 5.3 acres.  Both lots will retain sufficient road frontage.  

Ronald Garneau, an abutter, was present and had no objections.

Mike Beaudry advised that this property abuts the Beaudry gravel pit property but it does not present a problem.  

Mrs. Ferland moved to grant final approval of the boundary adjustment for Victoria Beaudry and Gerald Stetson, Jr.   Mr. Moore seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.      

Mr. Frizzell resumed the Chair.  Mrs. Francis resumed her position as Vice-Chair.  Mr. Lutz returned as an alternate member.

CHARLESTOWN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (CEDA) – Two Lot Subdivision – Fling Road – Map 116, Lot 37 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Victor St. Pierre represented the Charlestown Economic Development Association (CEDA).  This is a subdivision of 3.71 acres on the CEDA Gristmill property across from the Transfer Station.  There is 215-feet of frontage on Fling Road, they have a Driveway Permit off Fling Road and intend to have a future road go along that edge.  This is being subdivided out of the 26.23 acres owned by CEDA.  It is in Zone E and has Town water and sewer so it does not need State Subdivision approval.  There are two Driveway Permits – one across from the Transfer Station and the second one will be where the new road will be put in.  

Mr. Moore moved to accept this CEDA application as complete.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.
Mrs. Ferland moved to grant final approval.  Mr. Champney seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.   

THOMAS PERKINS – 6,000 S.F. Cabinet Manufacturing Facility – Fling Road – Map 116, Lot 37 (as subdivided) – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Travis Royce of Landmark Land Services, LLC, represented the applicant, Thomas Perkins.  Mr. Perkins has a shop in Walpole but needs to expand his cabinet manufacturing business and was unable to do so in Walpole.  The proposed building will be 6,000 square feet.  Mr. Edkins explained that, as this property develops, CEDA will soon build a road to Town specifications but at present they are in the process of securing funding.  Mr. Perkins has a Driveway Permit off Fling Road but access will be off the new CEDA road.  Mr. Ring felt they just have to get in-and-out of there for now.  

Mr. Frizzell felt that a review of the application checklist should be done next as there might be items that need to be covered.  There was discussion on the following items:   
·       Conceptual plans and building foot-print – Mr. Edkins confirmed that these were provided along with elevations and the floor plan;
·       Any existing landscaping and proposed alterations – Mr. Royce advised that some lawn area is shown.  There is no landscaping proposed for now.  
·       Drainage – Mr. Royce explained that there is drainage around the property; some will drain toward Fling Road.  There is already a natural basin there.  Mr. Sussman questioned the culvert.  Mr. Royce said the drainage should be very minimal going into that culvert because it is between the two driveways.  There is about 120-feet of grass swale.  Mr. St. Pierre did some test pits and said it was all sand.  
·       Water supply, fire protection, power and phone (written description or plans showing size and location of wells, water supply pipes, hydrants, power and telephone poles and lines, both proposed and existing) – Mr. Royce said there is a hydrant near-by – there will be underground utilities.
·       Location and design of exterior lighting and signs – Mr. Royce said they would have to come back for any signs.  There will be exterior lights – Mr. Perkins needs one at each entrance and one is proposed by the gable end where deliveries come in.  Mr. Frizzell noted that any lighting will not effect neighbors.
·       Location of waste disposal facility, including any screening or fencing – Mr. Royce advised that there would be dumpsters with screening that will probably be a wall.  They will be fully enclosed with a door to access them.
·       The hours and days of operation – 6:00 am to 6:00 pm – Monday-Friday.
·       Estimate of Normal Business Traffic – Outgoing box truck – 2 trips per week; Incoming tractor & trailer – 4 trips per week; Customer/Misc – 15 trips per week.
·       Current Number of Employees – 5
·       Estimated growth rate – First year 5 additional employees; Second year 1 additional employee; Third year 1 additional employee.
·       Demand for Utility Service by Type – No unique utility service required.
·       Any hazardous material use and storage will be contained within specialized location of building and will comply with State of New Hampshire regulations – Mr. Sussman questioned if there will be a lot of waste and what will happen to it.  Mr. Royce said it is similar to Norwood; the paint room would have some hazardous material.  Mr. Beaudry added that a lot of the finishes are water-based.  Sawdust will go into the dumpsters.   
·       There will be no outside storage of materials other than two dumpsters as shown on the Site Plan.

Mrs. Francis asked about the existing trees on the site.  Mr. Royce responded that there are very few trees on this site.  The only trees that are between the proposed work and the trees would be to the east or where the water and sewer lines will come in; some small trees will have to be removed.  Toward Route 12 the trees are not on this property.  There are not many quality trees on this property.  The slope area will be planted with rye to stabilize it and allow natural revegetation to establish itself.  Mr. St. Pierre pointed out that relative to landscaping it is CEDA’s intent that the row of trees between the lower parcel and the elevated portion will not be touched.   

Mr. Royce has up-dated plans as minor changes were made to the lot dimensions.  For the next meeting, Mr. Sussman would like to know what the quantity of the non-hazardous waste would be.  Mrs. Francis questioned if there will be woodpiles on the property where people can pick it up for heating.                
Mrs. Francis moved to accept the Site Plan for Thomas Perkins as complete.  Mr. Ring seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.

LIFE FELLOWSHIP FOURSQUARE CHURCH – 50’ x 50’ Addition to Existing Church Building – 88 Wheeler Rand Road – Map 213, Lot 11 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  David Grasso, Pastor, explained that they are proposing a 50’ x 50’ addition to the existing church building.  The original building took a few years to build but began in 1991.  There is very little room to visit in the present building; the addition will be a gathering room and office area with a new entrance way.  It will be two-story like the existing building but will require no new plumbing.  They talked with the State but there are no issues as their existing septic system is on file.  

Mr. Champney moved to approve this application as an amendment to the previous Site Plan approval.  Mr. Ring seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.        

Master Plan Hearing and Adoption Process:  Mr. Edkins reported that the draft Master Plan is on its way to the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission.  They will look over the revisions and make their changes.  Additional information should be available for the next meeting.

Enforcement Matters:  1) Mrs. Francis thanked Mr. Edkins for taking care of having the “Osgood” signs removed.  2) Mrs. Francis mentioned that it appears that the woodpile seems to be growing on the property next to Mr. Poisson.  Mr. Edkins will check on that.  There was discussion relative to bringing this property to the attention of the Conservation Commission as the wood chips are being pushed over the bank and into a wetlands area.    

Town Property:  Mr. Ring has an issue with the hot dog standing being on the Bakery Building property.  Mrs. Ferland said he obtains the proper license, it is only there on weekends, there have been no issues and he leaves it clean all the time.  

Claremont Planning Board:  Copies of a notice received from the Claremont Planning Board were distributed.  Local Land Use Boards were invited to attend an informational workshop on the organizational and legal issues facing local land use boards scheduled for Monday, May 14, 2007, at 7:00 pm at the City Council Chambers.

Next Meeting:  The next Planning Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 1st, 2007, at 7:00 P.M.

There being no other business, Mr. Champney moved for adjournment.  Mr. Ring seconded the motion, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Minutes Filed:  4-20-07

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the May 1st, 2007, Planning Board meeting.)